Friday, March 20, 2009

tonighter: This Friday, March 20, 7pm. Tony Mancus, Myronn Hardy & Jess Mynes. petes candy store.

james tate: Writers Voice
5 West 63rd St. btw Central Park West and Broadway. 7p.m.

On Friday, April 17 the Whitney Museum of American Art presents eight poets associated with two cutting-edge movements in contemporary poetry: the Flarf Collective and Conceptual Writing.
Featured poets are Christian Bök, Nada Gordon, Kenneth Goldsmith, Sharon Mesmer, K. Silem Mohammad, Kim Rosenfield, Gary Sullivan and Darren Wershler.

Joan of Arc: Flowers CD/LP
Polyvinyl Records June 9, 2009
Track Listing
  1. Fogbow
  2. The Garden of Cartoon Exclamations
  3. Flowers
  4. Fasting
  5. Explain Yourselves #2
  6. Tsunshine
  7. A Delicious Herbal Laxative
  8. Explain Yourselves
  9. Table of the Laments
  10. Fable of the Elements
  11. Life Sentence / Twisted Ladder
  12. The Sun Rose

tonight im staying in with movie bootlegs & staying up with some bourbon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evol: my fav sonic youth album - death on a highway....
