Wednesday, April 15, 2009

if you must do it that way, then don't be surprised when

hey stalwart hearts,

you are responsible for repaying your student loans. ha ha.

go go Event: Stacy Szymaszek and Patrick Durgin
"The Segue Reading Series"
Host: Tim Peterson and Kristen Gallagher
Start Time: Saturday, May 30 at 4:00pm
End Time: Saturday, May 30 at 6:00pm
Where: Bowery Poetry Club

friday night go go: Jeremy Hoevanaar, Katy Henriksen & Zach Barocas at Petes candy Store.

the industriuos Deals: bye bye 4AD, and hello self-release. Fate to Fatal, their new limited edition EP, on April 21 (with a Record Store Day pre-release). It's D.I.Y.: from contracting with the vinyl pressing plants to hand-screening the covers. Can't hardly wait.

a poem by Chris Nealon:

(I know prose ... )

I know prose is a mighty instrument but still I feel that plein-air lyric need
to capture horses moving

Surplus of capital; economy tanks; you get called a faggot more

On red seats all around me children learn abstraction and heckle each
other in affordable new media

“This cold world we’re in is full of fresh champagne”

Un snack sólo para mi

When I was a child I thought, In Homeric fashion I will speak to each of
you in turn while laying you low

Now I stick to fragments transmissible, perdurable and the
crossword beauty you can make from them

To all the young Apollos: I’m aiming for the intersection of your swagger
and your ashes

Not that I don’t get it: looking eagerly offends the lords of scarcity

But check those dactyls, fabulous

It’s just too hard to live as though there weren’t some other kind of

To the masters of prose: Greetings!

I will die before I worship your god

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